Show Horse Grooming: Must Know Tips and Advice
Having a show horse has always involved a great deal of responsibility. Show horses must be groomed continually, as horses that receive the most careful attention when it comes to grooming will have a decisive advantage over their competitors. For instance, having a rich and full tail and mane is important for all show horses. There are plenty of tasks to consider as your horse show approaches.
Stock up on grooming products
All horse owners need to stock up on grooming products when they have horse shows on the horizon.
For your horse's coat, you will need a good brand of shampoo to get it clean and get that healthy glow happening. These shampoos when combined with the right coat polish, can give your horse an extremely well-groomed appearance. Having a decent conditioner can also improve the appearance of your horse's mane and tail. You will need some hoof polish to make your horse's hooves look as healthy as possible.
You should even have simple items like towels on hand. A healthy horse that has received excellent care will often be in great condition for horse shows, and the right grooming products will just add another finishing touch.
Begin grooming a week before the show
The week before a show, it's important for you to time many different grooming activities correctly. Your horse may have developed some small nails holes or small cracks along the way, which can certainly reduce the polished look of your horse. You can use fillers to even out the appearance of your horse's hooves before giving the hooves a nice polish when the show is a couple of days away. Thinning shears can help you give your horse a particularly aesthetically pleasing mane cut, which you should also do a couple of days in advance of the show.
Add the final touches
You should give your horse a thorough wash the day before the horse show. If you're going to plait and rosette your horse's mane, it's also better to get it done before the day of the actual show. Grooming your horse according to the right schedule, both before the show and between shows, can make all the difference in your horse's appearance, and maybe even get you in the winning circle.
For all grooming needs, explore Caribu's range of show preparation products.